On Thu, 2015-04-09 at 20:05 +0000, David Soria Parra via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> […]
> I think this is a great idea and I marked it in my calendar. Also 
> as a suggestion, the Python community usually runs "Sprints" on 
> every major conference. Basically after the main conference for 
> 1-2 days people stay and get into a room and hack on projects. I 
> really like that format. I am not sure what the room situation 
> for Dconf is, but if we can have a room +1 day, I'd love to stay 
> around for a one day more and "sprint".

In the JVM-verse they tend to be called Hackergarten. There is a subtle 
difference between a Hackergarten and a Sprint I am told, but I have, as 
yet, failed to find out what this is.
For the EuroPython sprints in 2010 we took over some rooms but this meant 
each team was in a separate room and the various folk only met at break 
times. For the PyConUK sprints we just use the main conference room and 
teams set up in various parts of it. I never cease to be pleased by the 
serendipitous extras things that happen because of the lack of boundaries 
between teams.
I think it is important to emphasize that whilst some people will provide 
pull requests during a sprint, others may not. This is not a problem. As 
long as each "project" gets some pull requests that is fine.
Last year for one of the "projects" sprinting, some of us got some serious 
pull requests in whilst others only just managed to get set up. The 
feedback to the team of these people setting up was massively positive for 
the "project" and led to wholesale changes after the sprint that made set 
up so much easier for those coming after.
Dr Russel Winder     t:+44 20 7585 2200   voip:sip:
41 Buckmaster Road   m:+44 7770 465 077   xmpp:rus...@winder.org.uk
London SW11 1EN, UK  w: www.russel.org.uk skype:russel_winder

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