Sorry if I don't make my point accurately, it's been not so long since I started learning English. I often found programming language community relates to churchs. I find D to be really present on reddit and that’s great because other people can discover that wonderful language. But blaming other language for doing the same is just plain hypocrite : if it's on top, people are interested, it's that simple. That been said I am not familiar with nim, but I am really excited about the next generation of languages like D and rust. To express my opinion about these language and note those are just *opinions*. I think D is extraordinary expressive...such a complex language too. From a metaprogramming point of view, I am mixed about string mixins, the syntax of the 'is' statement (seriously ?), do we need so many traits ? Rust opted for type classes over templates constraints and ast macros, D had no shame introducing imperative programming into the compile time a choice and I kind of like even though some might think it's not really pretty. I don't like the GC much and I think I wouldn't missed the features it allowed, but that won't say I am very grateful about the recent improvements (I think it's Martin Nowak to thanks). I don't like associative arrays built-in, those are no trivial data structure and should be available in phobos. About Phobos, it's clearly a big win compare to Rust standard library...for now (only...I hope), ranges are plain awesome, algorithm is good. Modules, distinction between struct and class, ref and others storage classes well that's beyond word : awesome ! Unittests : thats political. ;) Foreach is good but why adding an index is restricted to built-in arrays and I know about ennumerate, that's not the question. Why auto ref arguments taking function should be templates (I understand there is a method duplication but that is so weird especially not coherent with auto ref *returning function) ? I have noticed something about D, sometimes some stuff might seems weird at first but often when you dig about it, you discover there is a really well thought design choice behind it. I don't now rust that much, but I have to admit it looks much prettier and a bit less expressive/powerful but again it's D I am comparing it to. The two are a great improvement on C++ I get my pittance with since four month now, that feels good. A bad think about those languages though is that they can also make you kinda hate your job sometimes. ;) Well anyway, thanks to all the people involved in the design of such heavy machineries as compilers, I hope I get more time and experience to help some day (I am more in applied maths, so I think I will try to get on this side).

btw : I think D should get rid off un-bracketed if statement, programming is not about sparing the number of lines...but that’s again a matter of taste.

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