On 2015-04-16 14:17, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

The simplest target for a serialization library would be to generate a
stream of JSONParserNodes. That way the serializer doesn't have to keep
track of nesting levels and can reuse the pretty printing functionality
of stdx.data.generator.

However, this currently requires an input range of JSONParserNodes,
which looks like it is suboptimal for a serializer (either requires an
explicitly allocated node array, or a strange serializer architecture
that directly works as an input range).

The serialization library I'm working on has an output range interface.

For that reason I'm thinking about providing an output range interface like so:

     auto dst = appender!string;
     auto rng = jsonOutputRange(dst);

     JSONParserNode n;
     // start an object
     n.kind = JSONParserNode.Kind.objectStart;

     // write a single entry "foo": 10.5
     n.key = "foo";

     // write another entry "bar": true
     n.key = "bar";

     // finish the object
     n.kind = JSONParserNode.Kind.objectEnd;

     writefln("JSON: %s", dst.data);

What do you think?

That looks very handy, that would be great to have.

/Jacob Carlborg

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