On Thursday, 16 April 2015 at 04:05:19 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Forgive my being skeptical but my repeated appeals to contributions - most of them important, urgent, and of high impact - sometimes labeled with [WORK] in this forum, have been answered by the same very small kernel of contributors (including Walter and myself), regardless of their difficulty (sometimes trivial). Lists, labels, management techniques that are touted in this forum every few months or so - no avail. The vision document that everybody asked about? Read and dutifully ignored - back to the next naming debate. The sad reality is that if one of about a handful of core folks doesn't do it, it won't get done. My resolution is to do more of everything; that way more of everything will get done. -- Andrei

I think a significant part of the reason for this is that many people are simply happy with D now and tend to, aside from the core contributors, work on their own code rather than random issues from a list (even an organized one). I haven't submitted many pull requests, maybe a dozen or so in total, but when I have it was because there was something that simply prevented me from doing what I wanted to do. It's probably been several months since my last one because, simply put, I am not currently having issues that prevent me from moving forward. When I started using D (probably about four or five years ago), it felt like bugs were constant and you could either work around them or fix them. Now, there are much fewer bugs, let alone ones without a trivial workaround, making it less likely for people to contribute towards fixing these.

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