On Sat, 10 Oct 2009 13:08:01 +0400, Max Samukha <spam...@d-coding.com> wrote:

On Fri, 09 Oct 2009 21:50:48 +0200, Yigal Chripun <yigal...@gmail.com>

On 09/10/2009 19:53, Max Samukha wrote:
On Fri, 09 Oct 2009 11:40:43 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu
<seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org>  wrote:

I'm talking with Sean and Walter about taking the first step towards
eliminating delete: defining function clear() that clears the state of
an object. Let me know of what you think.

One problem I encountered is that I can't distinguish between a default
constructor that doesn't need to exist, and one that was disabled
because of other constructors. Consider:

class A {}
class B { this(int) {} }

You can evaluate "new A" but not "new B". So it's legit to create
objects of type A all default-initialized. But the pointer to
constructor stored in A.classinfo is null, same as B.

Any ideas?

The notion of default constructor is not quite clear.

class A
   this(int a = 22) {}

Should A be considered as having a default constructor?

class B
   this(int) {}

Should passing int.init to B's constructor be considered default
construction? If yes, we could recreate B using the init value. But

class C
   this(int a) {}
   this(int a, int b) {}

Which constructor to call? The one with fewer parameters? What if
there are overloaded constructors with identical number of parameters?
Should we explicitly mark one of the constructors as default?

I agree. classinfo.defaultConstructor should be replaced by an array of
all the constructors. Only when the array is empty you assume the
existence of the default compiler generated constructor.

I'd prefer complete runtime information for all members.

The problem is I do not understand what 'default constructor' and
'default construction' means in D for classes that have explicit
constructors with parameters. How to automatically construct this cl

class B
  this(int a = 22) {}

For example, Object.factory will always return null for B, which is an
arbitrary limitation.

class C
  this(int a) {}

For C, the "default constructor" should probably be generated like

void C_ctor(C c)

Otherwise, I cannot see how one can reconstruct an instance of C in


Wait, uniform function call syntax doesn't work with classes! Oh, well...

clear!(C)(obj, 42);

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