On Tuesday, 21 April 2015 at 14:25:29 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 4/21/15 10:07 AM, Chris wrote:
Here's bearophile's version of sorting an AA by value [1]

void main() {
    import std.stdio: writeln;
    import std.algorithm.sorting: multiSort;
    import std.array: array;

    const size_t[string] wCount = [
        "hamster": 5,
        "zorro": 80,
        "troll": 90,
        "algorithm": 80,
        "beer": 80

    auto pairs = wCount.byKeyValue.array;
    assert(wCount.length == pairs.length);
    pairs.multiSort!(q{a.value > b.value}, q{a.key < b.key});
    assert(pairs[2].key == "beer");
    foreach (const ref it; pairs)
        writeln(it.key, ": ", it.value);

Should we add it to the documentation of

1. http://dlang.org/phobos/std_algorithm_sorting.html#.multiSort
2. http://dlang.org/hash-map.html

We should not be promoting string-based lambdas:

pairs.multiSort!((a, b) => a.value > b.value, (a, b) => a.key < b.key);

I think this would be a perfect addition for the disqus forum of that function (once ddox gets to be the default). I don't want to get into adding sample usages for every use case on every function to the documentation.


What about putting it on the wiki and then providing a link with a label like "View other examples on the wiki". That would (a) be available now, and (b) let users know it's there, as few would know to look on the wiki. As I recall, the plan with Discus is to have something like PHP's documentation, and that's not a great solution.

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