"Atila Neves" <atila.ne...@gmail.com> writes:
> Extra lisp libraries? How did you install it?

I found my notes.  I think it had to do with using flycheck, which I
disabled.  I am really ancient and set in my ways so distracted when
code suggestions popup while I am typing.  I just need to try again,
customize a little, and learn.

> As for the your brain using etags keybindings: it's Emacs, you can
> bind those to anything ;)

Yes, it is so bad I have several Symbolics Zmacs [1] key and mouse
bindings (from 80's) setup for GNU Emacs and I have never gotten over
the loss of the Super and Hyper keys that accompanied Control and Meta.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zmacs

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