On 23/04/2015 10:02 p.m., Andrea Fontana wrote:
On Thursday, 23 April 2015 at 08:33:56 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
Why can no compiler I try optimise this toy example as I would expect?

// uncomment if using a C compiler
// typedef unsigned int uint;
uint foo(uint a)
  if (a < 5)
    return (a * 3) / 3;
    return 0;

So, I would expect the compiler to be able to see that it is
equivalent to

uint foo(uint a)
  return (a < 5) ? a : 0;

But apparently not a single modern compiler I tried can do this
optimisation, unless it's hidden in some obscure flag I'm not aware of.

An even more striking example can be found if you replace the / with
%, where the result of the function is then unconditionally zero, but
every compiler i tried still spat out multiplication instructions.

Is there a good reason for this, or is it just " * and / aren't always
inverses, so never mind all the cases where they are"?

Now I know that this seems like a unrealistic example, but when you're
in complicated meta-programming situations code like this can and will

If I'm right, there's a website where I can see assembly generated by d
compiler. And it's not dpaste... any hint?


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