Dub provides an easy way to utilizes 3rd party libraries, github provides an easy way to revive a project no longer being maintained by the author. Can we come up with a solution within code.dlang to take advantage of this?

While I'd prefer if the project owner would proved commit rights to their contributors (or subset of such). This doesn't usually happen, and you can't always get into contact with them.

My example is dini[1]. There is a pull request to get it working with 2.067, it hasn't been merged in the last 29 days with latest modifications being from January.

In order to keep the projects in code.dlang.org relevant, I think it is important that we provide a way to have the primary project change hands, rather than require the fork be placed on to code.dlang.org too[2].

1. https://github.com/robik/DIni/pulls
2. http://code.dlang.org/packages/tharsis-dimgui

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