On Thursday, 23 April 2015 at 18:37:47 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 4/23/2015 1:10 AM, bearophile wrote:
Walter Bright:

On 4/22/2015 2:58 PM, bearophile wrote:
D is less stack-friendly than Ada (and probably Rust too),


In Ada standard library you have safe fixed-size stack-allocated associative arrays. In D you can't even allocate safely a dynamically-sized 1D array on the
stack, and forget about doing it for 2D. Enough said.

I used to use alloca() here and there, but eventually removed it all. The trouble is, there are three array sizes:

   a) 0
   b) 1
   c) arbitrarily large

Dynamic stack allocation works for none of them. What does work is a fixed size stack allocation with failover to using malloc/free, which is what Phobos' scopebuffer does. It's analogous to the "small string optimization".

I don't agree with your assessment at all.

Is there a reason scopebuffer isn't part of the documentation?

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