On Tuesday, 28 April 2015 at 22:24:53 UTC, Max Samukha wrote:
On Tuesday, 28 April 2015 at 02:36:38 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

A truly polymorphic identity function in D would be more involved:

template id(a...) if (a.length == 1)
    static if (__traits(compiles, { alias id = a[0]; } ))
        alias id = a[0];
        enum id = a[0];

static assert(is(id!int == int));
static assert(id!1 == 1);

Also, an 'isEqual' template would be needed to unify 'isSame', 'is' and '=='.

Actually I do find more specialized names/implementations useful in this case. For example, just the fact that you use `unaryFun!(a => a)` instead of `Identity!(a => a)` makes code more readable and intention clear even if effect is the same.

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