On Saturday, 9 May 2015 at 16:59:35 UTC, Jens Bauer wrote:
... "System calls" will need to access the peripherals in some way, in order to send data to for instance a printer or harddisk. If the way it's done is using a memory location, then it's necessary to tell the compiler that this is not ordinary memory, but I/O-memory AKA hardware address space.

Userland code still uses system calls and not global variables, whatever is expressed in read(2) signature tells the compiler enough to pass data via buffer.

Shared is supposed to prevent the programmer from accidentally putting unshared data in a shared context. Expectedly people wanted it to be a silver bullet for concurrency, instead std.concurrency provides high-level concurrency safety.

In other words, it's the oposite of 'static' ?

Whether data is shared or not is not tied to its storage class, that's why its shared nature is expressed in its type and storage class can be anything; for the same reason shared type qualifier is transitive.

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