Tim Matthews:
> Don't know if it has already been posted:
> http://www.simple-talk.com/opinion/geek-of-the-week/walter-bright-geek-of-the-week/

No posted yet, thank you.
The text is very good, and it puts both D and Walter in a wonderful light. The 
nicest interview to Walter I've seen so far. I'll let some friends of mine read 
this text!

Just a note:
>What are the application areas that D targets? WB: In short, any application 
>that would otherwise use C or C++ would be suitable for D.<

That may become true in future, but it can't be true now. If I buy an Arduino, 
or a little 16 bit CPU that has to go inside a cheap microwave oven, I usually 
have to program it in C, Forth (or worse). I can't use D for that. Currently D 
is not fit for the world of small real-time CPUs. And embedded CPUs are very 
common, for every desktop (and handheld) CPU produced, 10 or 100 small CPUs for 
embedded purposes are produced.

But there are possible ways to make D fitter for those purposes. For example it 
may be designed a "lightD", a subset of D (that has no built-in AAs, that uses 
no GC, etc), and adds several tricks/constructs useful when your available RAM 
is 1200 bytes long and your available ROM (well, flash, or a different slower 
kind of RAM) is 30000 bytes. In such situations a compiler is even asked to 
produce not just the faster or shorter binary, but sometimes even the less 
energy consuming one! (think about a -Oe compilation flag, beside the -O and 
the -Os). Or maybe D will never fit for such purposes. 


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