On 12/05/2015 10:40 p.m., tcak wrote:
I am developing a web server - web application system, and it is going
to be running on a small system that has 256MB memory at maximum. Hence,
I tried to use every bit of memory without wasting, and used align(1) on
a struct type. Because it is used as shared, and its internal variables
are updated in time, core.atomic.atomicOp is being used. Until today,
whenever I tried to update variables with atomicOp, running thread was
basically returning from that point like nothing happened. After long
debugging, I finally saw that thread has given AssertError with a line
number. There wasn't any information about what was going on. I went to
core.atomic file, and found out that (not on the given line number),
variables should be properly aligned to use atomicOp.

Just out of interest, is said web server meant to be comparable to e.g. Apache httpd?

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