On 5/7/15 12:15 PM, Dmitri wrote:
I'm a D noob, so my question is perhaps naive. At work, we develop
servers that are 24/7 and as such they don't have a clean exit path.
Sometimes, however, I'd like to troubleshoot a process and use valgrind,
in which case I have to come with a way of forcing a program's exit.

I know I can control (some) valgrind tools from outside by forcing a
log, but it is not always the case. So more often than not, I end up
adding some sort of debugging code to be able to force an exit from
outside - in which case it is as simple as calling stdlib's exit. This
poses a problem when the exit is called from a thread other than the
main one, since it did not have a _d_dos_registry on the way "in", but
it gets called on the way "out" and crashes when the _tlsRanges is

My questions are,
   * is it legit to want to terminate not from the main thread?
   * if not, what is the recommended simpler way of doing it?

In all my server type multi-threaded apps, I do something like this:

while(true) => while(!exiting) // exiting is some global bool

waitForInput(forever) => waitForInput(1000ms)

Then in the signal handler, I set exiting = true, nothing else.

All the threads exit gracefully, and the main thread joins all the others. Max time to shut down is 1 second.

Note that one should always handle shutdown when asked by the OS (either through signals or whatever mechanism the OS uses) so the OS can gracefully shut down.


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