On 2015-05-14 00:55, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

enforce is one of the most needless pieces of phobos:

enforce(cond, message);
if(!cond) throw new Exception(message);

And the second doesn't mess up inlining.

I think enforce could be boiler-plated better. The only verbose part of
the if version is the throwing and newing.

template throe(Etype = Exception)
    void throe(Args...)(Args args, string file = __FILE__, size_t line =
        throw new Etype(args, file, line);

if(!cond) throe(message);

Now you're back to the same problem as "enforce" has. That it throws Exception by default. It shouldn't have a default value for the exception type.

BTW, it could be called "raise" as it's called in some other languages.

Wait, you're in an io package, and you want to always throw IO exceptions?

alias except = throe!IOException;

if(!cond) except(args, to, ioexception);

That is a bit better but I still think that IOException is too generic. Streaming something over the network and trying to open a file is quite different.

Sure, it doesn't return the thing that caused the exception if nothing
happens. Grepping phobos, this feature is used with enforce about 1% of
the time. In fact, I didn't even know it had that feature until looking
it up in the docs just now.


/Jacob Carlborg

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