language_fan wrote:
Sun, 11 Oct 2009 09:39:32 -0500, Ellery Newcomer thusly wrote:

Denis Koroskin wrote:
On Sun, 11 Oct 2009 05:19:56 +0400, Walter Bright
<> wrote:

If anyone is interested and is willing to test and/or help, I will
gladly share my code.
Oooo.. You should put that on dsource or somewhere. Hacking D sounds
like a lot more fun than hacking C++. I wouldn't mind helping out on
this one.

Wow, I am pretty sure I have already seen a D port of dmd on dsource. Was there a good reason to start yet another port of it?

Maybe learning, porting a library or application from a language to another is a great way to learn about it inside out. I used to do that a lot too.

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