On Wed, 20 May 2015 17:35:37 -0400, bitwise <bitwise....@gmail.com> wrote:

On Wednesday, 20 May 2015 at 18:53:30 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2015-05-20 16:44, bitwise wrote:
I tried using a shared library for OSX yesterday. I opened it with
dlopen, retrieved my extern(C) function, and called it. All was well,
and it seemed to work(wrote to the console with writeln).

But, I got a message in the console saying shared libraries were not yet
implemented for OSX. What exactly is it that's not working?

TLS, module constructors, module/class info, perhaps the GC, similar things.

Heh.. That's pretty useless. Any idea on the state of things? Like if there are plans to support this in the near future(few months)? I couldn't find many conversations on this. This kinda-totally ruins my plans(on OSX at least).

I've been reading over all the bugs and conversations I can find, but I'm still confused about exactly what's going on here.

What I need:
-load a dynamic library on OSX using dlopen or Runtime.loadLibrary
-use dlsym to retrieve my functions and set up a gc proxy
-pull interfaces of classes defined in the dynamic library into my program for use.

Not sure how much of this is working properly or not.

I'd be willing to throw a couple of bucks at this for a bounty, but I'm not sure how much it's worth though.
Any takers for $25? ;)


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