On Tuesday, 26 May 2015 at 04:09:09 UTC, weaselcat wrote:

Please no, derelict bindings are incredibly heavyweight. I cut my application's size from ~6mb to 200kb by using glad openGL loader over derelict GL3.

One of my goals for the current iteration of DerelictGL was to keep the size down, which is why I initially only included bindings for ARB extensions. Over time, the number of extensions supported has increased, and so has the size. But to be fair, I doubt that 6mb is what you would see in a release build, nor is it DerelictGL3 alone.

DerelictGL3 by itself in debug (dub build) is 2.2mb, in release (dub build -b=release) it's 986kb; DerelictUtil 2.0 is 1.6mb ->173kb; DerelictSDL2 1.9 is 1.8mb -> 382kb -- only with that do we approach 6mb in a debug build.

Is that 200kb for glad a debug or release build? I realize it can be configured to generate bindings for only the extensions you need, whereas Derelict includes quite a lot of them. Does that 200kb include a binding for GLFW3 or SDL2 or something else?

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