On Tuesday, 9 June 2015 at 17:05:19 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
My work on allocators takes the last turn before the straight line. I've arranged with Dicebot to overlap the review period with finalizing details so I can act on feedback quickly.

After that I'm ready for some major library work, and I had two things in mind.

One would be a good pass of std.container, in particular (a) a design review with the DbI glasses on; (b) better documentation - sadly it seems to me so inadequate as to make containers themselves unusable; (c) investigate use of UFCS - std.container's design predates UFCS yet is a perfect fit for it, and most likely other cool language improvements we've added since.

The other would be database connectivity. Erik Smith has shown some cool ideas at DConf, and I encourage him to continue working on them, but it seems to me this is an area where more angles mean more connectivity options.

For database connectivity I'm thinking of using ODBC. What I see is that on all major platforms, vendors offer mature, good quality ODBC drivers, and most programs that have anything to do with databases offer ODBC connectivity. So connecting with ODBC means the individual database drivers are already there; no need to waste effort on creating drivers for each (or asking vendors to, which we can't afford).

So I gave myself ten minutes the other night just before I went to sleep to see if I can get an ODBC rig on my OSX machine starting from absolutely nothing. I got http://www.odbcmanager.net but then got confused about where to find some dumb driver (text, csv) and gave up.

Last night I gave myself another ten minutes, and lo and behold I got up and running. Got a demo CSV driver from http://www.actualtech.com/product_access.php (which also supports Access and others). Then I headed to http://www.easysoft.com/developer/languages/c/odbc_tutorial.html and was able to run a simple ODBC application that lists the available drivers. Nice!

It's trivial work to convert the C headers to D declarations. Then it's straight library design to offer convenient libraries on top of the comprehensive but pedestrian ODBC C API. Then, voilĂ  - we'll have database connectivity for all databases out there!

Please help me choose what to work on next.



But - we really need those allocators working in actual released
Phobos first.

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