On 09/06/15 22:39, Walter Bright wrote:
I usually try to select identifiers that are easy to grep. So unless one
has a penchant for naming functions f(), in practice it isn't a
significant issue.

The difference between theory and practice is that, in theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.

But in practice, there is.

(Too ashamed to admit I'm quoting Yogi Berra here, so I won't :-).

In practice, when your code gets big enough in a certain field, similar names are pretty much unavoidable. Admittedly, this is mostly around variable names. I lost count over the number of variables called "diskIdx" I have. While not exactly duplicate per-se, there is also a (member) function by that name. Try to find where "diskIdx" is defined, and you /will/ get swamped.


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