After having seen Andrei's & Walter's talks on DConf 2015 it's time reveal a dream of mine. It resolves around of feature that I believe is one of the most important improvements that will benefit aggregation of more *new* users to the D Community.

Namely a more clever DMD diagnostics when a template instantion fails to match any template definition in the current scope.

For instance, if


fails to match any of the overloads

    f(a,b,c) if (PRED_1(a,b,c) && PRED_2(a,b,c))
    f(a,b,c,d) if (PRED(a,b) && PRED(b,c) && PRED(c,d))

instead of saying

    > Error: neither of these matched
    > - f(a,b,c) if (PRED_1(a,b,c) && PRED_2(a,b,c))
    > - f(a,b,c,d) if (PRED(a,b) && PRED(b,c) && PRED(c,d))

it should instead say

    > Error: no template match to call of
    > f(a,b,c,d)
    > for neither

    > - f(a,b,c) if (PRED_1(a,b,c) && PRED_2(a,b,c))
> because template restriction `PRED_2(a,b,c)` evaluate to false

    > - f(a,b,c,d) if (PRED(a,b) && PRED(b,c) && PRED(c,d))
> because template restriction `PRED(b,c)` evaluated to false

Eventhough this might be a bit tricky to get right and may break lots of existing diagnostics (in DMD unittests), I'd say it's definitiely worth effort. Such a feature would attract lots of new users not used to D's advanced template restrictions. All users, newbies aswell as experts, would be benefit from this feature. I you DMD review guys are interested in getting this in and helping me out on source code directions I'd be very happy to start working on DMD PR for this.


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