On Tuesday, 16 June 2015 at 13:16:40 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
Unfortunately not true, you're adding multiple alias this…

Excuse me for what I am trying to avoid overquoting :)

You probably refer to CLOS and not proper Lisp.

CLOS was adopted as part of the standard ANSI Common Lisp. What is interesting to know ANSI Common Lisp is wrong?

C++ has multiple inheritance and "solves" it, but most C++ programmers try to avoid multiple inheritance anyway. So why would D be better with it?

In different languages rhombus problem is solved in different ways. And C++ is not the best case in point, where the problem is solved well.

Of course, most of the C++-programmers avoid multiple inheritance, but the other part, which uses it at least a little, what a tie that does not use it.

D - this is not the language of minimalist (for example, Go) :) We had to implement multiple inheritance, without relying on C++. IMO.

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