On Monday, 8 June 2015 at 20:02:11 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I'm trying to collect together motivating examples and to figure out the semantics of the feature.

I was just playing around with something and I thought being able to do a loop over an enum at compile time would be convenient. The motivation is when you have a function that works a little differently for arrays than for scalers, but it works the same way for all sizes of arrays (i.e. 1d/2d/3d all the same).

template GenArrayMathFunction(string function_name, string array_string)
const char[] GenArrayMathFunction =
"real" ~ array_string ~ " " ~ function_name ~"(real" ~ array_string ~ " x) {\n" ~ "\treal" ~ array_string ~" result = x.map!(a => " ~ function_name ~ "(a)).array;\n" ~
        "\treturn result;\n" ~

private enum array_dimension
        Dim1 = "[]",
        Dim2 = "[][]",
        Dim3 = "[][][]"

static foreach(i; array_dimension)
        mixin(GenArrayMathFunction!(f, i));

Basically, the first part generates a string representing a function that uses map to apply a function to some input. The type of the input depends on a string representing the kind of array. The enum represents a string for 1/2/3-dimensional arrays. Finally, I would want to loop through the enums and use mixin to create a function for each.

The foreach loop doesn't work right now. Right now, I've just written out each of the three functions and put in array_dimension.Dim1, etc.

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