Hi all !
It's too ugly that we cannot write simply « ref in » on functions argument. Many of functions expects a const argument and don't want to know is it a temp object or not.

In C++ we can write

struct Number {
Number operator+(const Number &num);

And then use it as « auto c = a + Number(123);

But in D we cannot. Why ? Because ref doesn't accept temp objects.
We need to use auto ref. OK, but auto ref cannot be used on non-templated function. We need even more make that function templated. It leads to a code bloat.

I don't see a reason why « auto ref » even exists.
I think we need to accept temp objects on functions arguments marked « const ref » : no auto required and functions is not a template. That change will not break any exiting code : it only allows a const ref to accept a temporal object. In future we can simple deprecate « auto ref » so users will adjust their code.

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