On Monday, 22 June 2015 at 06:29:20 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
The matter is very well understood. My point here is that leaving it to the user to make sure which ranges are still valid vs. not is not appropriate for D's container. -- Andrei

If we mean that we don't want undefined behavior, and we want to do something like throw Errors when a programmer screws up and uses an invalidated range, then fine - especially if it's restricted to version(assert) like we've recently been doing with our checks for calling popFront or front on empty ranges in Phobos - then logic errors with containers can be caught more easily. But if you mean that the programmer shouldn't have to know what types of operations are going to invalidate a range for a specific container type, I don't see how that makes any sense at all. How can anyone expect to use a container without understanding it well enough to know what's going to happen when they start adding elements to it or removing elements from it while iterating over it? IIRC, Java tries to be nicer than C++ and throws an exception when you screw that up rather than treating it as undefined behavior, but even they don't try and make it work for you. You need to understand the container types that you're using if you expect your code to be correct or efficient.

And remember that we're already dealing with undefined behavior with all ranges with stuff like what happens when you call front or popFront (or pretty much anything other than empty) on an empty range. So, it's not like we're not going to have undefined behavior involved here. You're just looking to avoid it in an additional case where folks have used a range incorrectly. I'd suggest that we do with containers what we've taken to doing with ranges in Phobos in the last year or so and add checks in version(assert) blocks which throw Errors when you screw up (which in the case of ranges in general would be throwing in functions like front or popFront when the range is empty, and in the case of ranges for containers would mean throwing an Error when you try and do something with them after they've been invalidated).

But I don't think that it's at all unreasonable to consider code that tries to iterate over an invalidated range to be a logic error that the programmer needs to fix. Programmers should know when what they're doing to a container is going to invalidate its existing ranges.

- Jonathan M Davis

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