On 25 June 2015 at 07:14, Guillaume Chatelet via Digitalmars-d
<digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday, 24 June 2015 at 21:08:03 UTC, Guillaume Chatelet wrote:
>> On Wednesday, 24 June 2015 at 16:05:31 UTC, Manu wrote:
>>> On a tangent, I need a name for the struct that will represent
>>> They're all basically identical, and might as well be a parameter to a
>>> shared type... but I can't think of a name for that type! >_<
>>> I can't reasonably call it any of those or it would be confused,
>>> rather, each of those would be an alias for an instantiation of each
>>> type.
>>> I'm thinking along the lines of PolarRGB? It's not really that though.
>>> I can't think of any other good names.
>>> alias HSL = PolarRGB!(Type.HSL);
>>> Naming things is so hard!
>> I don't like PolarRGB since it doesn't have a lot to do with RGB.
>> HueSpace!(Type.HSL) ?
> OK I take that back. HSL expresses color in the RGB space you're right.
> Maybe CylindricalRGB ? It's a volume after all.

They're not cylindrical, they each represent a different shape;
cylinder, hexacone, double-hexacone,
weird-warped-crooked-cube-on-its-corner ;)
They really are polar coordinates of a sort, although even that's not
really a good description, since it's a hex rather than a circle.
Perhaps the word 'angular' is more fitting than polar in this case...
but that doesn't get me any closer to a good name! >_<

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