I was curious if binary sizes had decreased because of the changes Ilya had been making to try and scope imports better and make them more selective:


Hello world (void main(){ import std.stdio; writefln("hello roboto"); }) size went from 464 KB to 548 KB when going from 2.066.1 to 2.067.1 on linux/x86, an increase of 18% (dmd -O -release main.d). I used nm to try and find some of the symbols using the most space (command taken from SO):

nm -B -r --size-sort --print-size -t d main

I noticed that the symbol taking up the third-most space was _d_arraysetlengthT, which wasn't in the older executable generated by 2.066.1. Disassembling the newer executable (objdump -rD main), it appears that it's called from exactly one function, std.uni.GcPolicy.realloc, which is in turn only called from one templated struct's member function, std.uni.CowArray.length. That instantiated function isn't called from anywhere else in the binary.

The templated struct std.uni.CowArray is only instantiated by the templated struct std.uni.InversionList in the source, but I'm not sure why neither is instantiated in the older executable and a diff of the two versions of std.stdio doesn't produce anything that stands out. None of this appears to be used when the binary is run, as having gdb break on _d_arraysetlengthT does nothing.

But std.uni isn't actually imported directly by std.stdio, where does it come from? Nearest I can tell from adding the -v flag to dmd, std.stdio has a couple scoped, selective imports to some functions from std.utf. std.utf has exactly _one_ scoped, selective import of std.string.format in its UTFException class, and std.string has several selective imports from std.uni, including one at module scope.

I tried commenting out that single selective import of std.string.format in std.utf and the same binary compiled and ran fine without any imports of std.string or std.uni, plus it was now 36 KB smaller. :)

I realize executable size may not be a priority, but this exploration shows how easy it is to get a bunch of template garbage pulled in to executables (I know this is not news for some). Perhaps the binary would have been twice as big if not for Ilya's work! Maybe this isn't considered something that should be fixed at the compiler level, but rather by properly working with the linker to remove these, as David did with --gc-sections for ldc. Either way, some kind of dashboard that charts binary sizes for dmd PRs can't come soon enough, so we can keep better tabs on this.

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