On Wednesday, 24 June 2015 at 05:20:38 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
When adding lazy versions in the past, for better or worse, we've generally gone for using nouns, whereas you're suggesting adjectives based coming from the past tense of a verb (though the verb "to case" has nothing with the case of letters).

OK, so I didn't really understand what were you referring to, since the only examples I found while looking through the *stable* documentation were joiner and splitter. But I went through the list of new symbols, and I found that a few more have been added after the last release to std.string:

en/detabber, left/right/centerJustifier, soundexer

So, one option is to stay consistent with these additions, and go with upperCaser and lowerCaser, even if those sound a bit odd.

Another option would be to rename those additions as well, so we would have:

en/detabbed, left/right/centerJustified, soundexed, upperCased, lowerCased

I don't know if this counts as being outside of the scope of this thread.

Any thoughts? Or is everyone bored to death already? :)

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