Two discoveries were made from this benchmark.

1) There is no appreciable speed difference between delegates and functors. I 
re-ran the benchmark several times; sometimes one was faster, sometimes the 
other - no clear advantage was discernible. The visible differences can be 
blamed on experimental error. Feel free to rerun it on a pure benchmarking 
2) The GC is slooooow (factor of 40!). No surprise there.

The code:

gentoo-pc ~ $ cat test.d; gdc-build test.d -o test_c -O3 -frelease 
-march=nocona && ./test_c
module test;

import std.stdio;

struct Functor {
  void delegate() dg;
  void opCall() { dg(); }

void bench(I, C)(string name, I iters, C callable) {
  auto start = sec();
  // sorry
  for (I l = 0; l < iters; ++l)
    static if (is(typeof(callable.opCall)))
  auto taken = sec() - start;
  writefln(name, ": ", taken, "s, ",
    ((taken / iters) * 1000_000), " µs per call"

struct _test3 {
  void test() { }
  void opCall() {
    auto dg = new Functor;
    dg.dg = &test;

import tools.time;
void main() {
  auto dg1 = (){ }, dg2 = new Functor;
  dg2.dg = dg1;
  // spin up processor
  for (int k = 0; k < 1024*1024*256; ++k) { dg1(); (*dg2)(); }
  writefln("Begin benchmark");
  const ITERS = cast(long) (1024*1024*1024) * 4;
  bench("Method 1", ITERS, dg1);
  bench("Method 2", ITERS, dg2);
  _test3 test3; // Done this way to allow inlining
  bench("Method 3", ITERS / 256, test3);
gdc -J. test.d tools/time.d tools/log.d tools/compat.d tools/base.d 
tools/smart_import.d tools/ctfe.d tools/tests.d tools/functional.d -o test_c 
-O3 -frelease -march=nocona
Begin benchmark
Method 1: 20.5247s, 0.00477877 µs per call
Method 2: 19.6544s, 0.00457615 µs per call
Method 3: 2.86392s, 0.170703 µs per call

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