On Friday, 26 June 2015 at 13:35:34 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
It is ok to use that time for any
additional comments :P

I would second the suggestion for improvement in the documentation. The overview linked to in the original post is written assuming advanced programming knowledge. My understanding of allocation is pretty much limited to something could be on stack or heap (I had to Google what an allocator was). So I would say it could be improved by adding some explanation of the basics and why to use allocators instead of new or other techniques.

I had seen this when it was originally posted two weeks ago, but I came back around to read it again today. What brought me to look it over again was that I had come across the std.container.array package and I didn't understand how it was different from the built-in array (I still don't have a very good understanding there, but a little better). Anyway, as I was searching through the Learn forum, I came across a post from 2011 saying that std.container might change in the future based on Andrei's work on allocators. I take it this is the work it was referring to (especially after looking at the wikipedia page for allocators).

With that I think I only have two questions. Am I correct that the makeArray function is for allocating a dynamic array and not an std.container Array? Are there plans to refactor std.container with std.allocator in mind?

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