On Sunday, 12 July 2015 at 12:32:32 UTC, Peter Alexander wrote:
On Sunday, 12 July 2015 at 12:14:31 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
Yet, D is currently not in a strong position for mobile apps or web servers.

Mobile apps: I agree.

Web servers: Why not?

Mostly because there is no real visible direction towards making D a competitor that directly addresses specific needs of web programming.

For Go it is all about frameworks, low latency GC, integration with Cloud and fast edit/compile/run cycle. Take a look at the curated awesome list for Go and you get the idea how the eco system is expanding:


Rust as a web-service language it is incidental, but IMO strongly related to linear typing/the memory model which allows you to avoid memory leaks on long running processes. The profile of the Rust eco system is a little different:


I think there might be very little overlap between projects choosing between Go and Rust for web services. Want fast and low memory usage, use Rust. Want nippy, easy memory management and a webish eco system, use Go.

With D, we are somewhere in the middle. A GC that hogs all processes are not ok, and without it you don't get Go's convenience, but also not Rusts linear typing guarantees.

I think it is about time D makes a commitment towards at least one application domain. It is important that D can be really good a solving problems within at least one sizeable domain in order to be a "noticeable language".

succeed. Compared to mobile and desktop, server-side integration should be easy for D since (at least for Linux servers) most the important integration points are through C APIs, which D supports well. Server side is generally more forgiving to new technology since it is generally all open source, and there aren't really any hoops to jump through.

Yes, I agree that Linux servers might be a good target.

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