On Tuesday, 14 July 2015 at 14:06:04 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

STL's "sequential containers" do not have serial dependence on items. There, "sequential" is meant as a converse of "associative".

Indeed, but the term "sequence" has existed long before the STL authors (mis)used it. Actually, 3 of the 5 main "sequence containers" *are* sequences. The other 2, vector (which is another name that has always bothered me) and array, are really best described as a random-access containers, but the authors probably didn't want to split hairs and make another category.

My interpretation of the word "list" both in and out of the CS domain jives with random access. Consider a stream. I define it to be truly a "sequence" of bytes, specifically because of its serial nature. I would definitely *not* define it as a "list" of bytes.

When we say "these items must be accessed in sequence", we imply that Item(n+1) should be accessed only after Item(n) is accessed.

In our nomenclature, we should probably look more to the origin of terms, and their usage in other domains, than their (mis)use in the CS domain, especially C++.


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