On 7/20/2015 1:52 PM, Tofu Ninja wrote:
Also seems like the compiler as a library is not too far away, is that going to
be apart of the plan eventually?


2. Go to full lazy semantic analysis of imports, rather than the current
"analyze them all"
What effects will this have? Faster compile times? Smaller binaires?


3. Rethink what "speculative instantiation" of templates means so we can have
a coherent process of compiling them.
Sounds complicated... what effects will this have? Simpler internals? What
effects for end user?

Mainly fewer compiler bugs.

This all seems very not evil.

Not evil enough? I have failed!

One question I have, are there any plans for a language clean up of sorts, there
are a bunch of little features and some big that don't really make sense
anymore. D is starting to feel like it's going down the road of c++ with lots of
baggage and unwillingness to get rid of old features even if they are
discouraged from use, all for the sake of backwards compatibility. I know D has
been getting progressively more reserved about breaking changes, do you see that
changing any time in the future? 1 year? 3 years? Would automatic conversion
tools make you more willing to break things?

I think we're kinda stuck there.

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