On Thursday, 23 July 2015 at 16:46:01 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
 D has done many things wrong, but there is one right thing that
totally outshines it all - it is cost-effective and pragmatical tool for a very wide scope of applications.

would you care to write more on this as a blog post, making it vivid and setting out some examples? that's my tentative judgement too, and why I am here, but I lean very heavily on my intuition and that's not enough to persuade other people when I don't yet have mastery of the relevant domain knowledge, having returned to programming quite recently. I am talking to another decent-sized hf that might be open to exploring the use of D, but the more vivid people are able to make the case the better.

AFAIR Don had quite a good summary at DConf 2013 (http://dconf.org/2013/talks/clugston.html) for how it applies to our business. I guess that presentation can still be used as selling point.

I like to put it this way : only very few of Sociomantic developers knew at least something about D before joining the company. It were mostly C++/Java/Whatever developers which learned everything on spot. We haven't even had any special training courses - just giving one book (Learn Tango with D) and few weeks of time to experiment was usually enough to start righting some production code, learning more advanced stuff later on per-need basis from reviewer comments.

Considering growing deficit of skilled programmers in the industry in general being able to kickstart into new language like that is a very big deal for business. C style syntax brings familiarity and being able to write working apps with simple concepts only (even if they are un-idiomatic in "modern D") greatly improves learning curve.

No matter how many effort is put into tooling or documentation, I simply can't see Rust ever being used like that. Well, unless it gets studied commonly as part of computer science BSc and most new devs will be at least faimilar with it. Writing simple number guessing app (like one presented in Rust book) can easily take half an hour for even experienced (but new to Rust) developer - it simply won't compile until you get every single smallest bit _right_. In small to medium business you simply can't afford investments like that.

I see Rust as possible language of choice for a very small (but important) subset of applications of big enough size that maintenance costs are much greater than development costs AND both performance and safety matter. AAA games, life-critical real-time software, software monsters like your next Firefox or Photoshop. That is big enough share of market in terms of money for language to keep being demanded but it is tiny minority of applications in terms of pure project count. It is clearly not your average next project.

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