"Ellery Newcomer" <ellery-newco...@utulsa.edu> wrote in message 
> Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> That mentioned, in the section about LL(k), "If both A<B and A<B> are 
>> legal
>> expressions, where B can be of arbitrary length, then no finite amount of
>> look-ahead will allow this to be parsed."
>> I did a quick test in gold (LALR), and this handles the above just fine:
>> ------------------------------
>> "Name"    = 'Test'
>> "Author"  = 'Test'
>> "Version" = 'Test'
>> "About"   = 'Test'
>> "Start Symbol" = <Type1Or2>
>> <Type1Or2> ::= <Type1> | <Type2>
>> <Type1> ::= 'A' '<' <Bs>
>> <Type2> ::= 'A' '<' <Bs> '>'
>> <Bs> ::= 'B' | <Bs> 'B'
>> ------------------------------
>> However, that one example alone doesn't necessarily prove that it's 
>> always
>> doable.
> Bad example. <Bs> is regular. Try making it nested parens or something
> like that. (It isn't LL(k), but it is pretty trivial anyways. ANTLR3 can
> handle it without fuss)

If you mean it's doing it using the dfa/regex lexing engine instead of the 
parser, it isn't. GOLD has a different syntax for terminals that are to be 
lexed. Anything with the "<Foo> ::= whatever" syntax is a nonterminal that's 
handled by LALR parsing. For terminals that are to be handled by the 
dfa/regex lexer, it's "Foo = whatever".

In any case, here's one that can successfully handle nested parens instead 
of <Bs>:

"Start Symbol" = <Type1Or2>

<Type1Or2> ::= <Type1> | <Type2>
<Type1> ::= 'A' '<' <Parens>
<Type2> ::= 'A' '<' <Parens> '>'

<Parens> ::= '(' ')' | '(' <Parens> ')'

Or nested sequences of parens:

"Start Symbol" = <Type1Or2>

<Type1Or2> ::= <Type1> | <Type2>
<Type1> ::= 'A' '<' <ParensList>
<Type2> ::= 'A' '<' <ParensList> '>'

<ParensList> ::= <Parens> | <ParensList> <Parens>
<Parens> ::= '(' ')' | '(' <ParensList> ')'

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