Hey guys!

I am super new to programming and still trying to learn the very basics via a book that I bought.

My problem is the following:

import std.stdio;
import std.string;

void main()
        char[] yesno;

        write("Roll the dice: Enter a number!");
        int dieNumber;
        readf(" %s", &dieNumber);

        if (dieNumber < 4) {
        writeln("You won!");
        else if ((dieNumber >= 4) && (dieNumber <= 6)) {
                writeln("I won!");
        else if (dieNumber > 6){
                writeln("ERROR: Invalid Value");

        writeln("Do you want to play again? Y/N?");
        if (yesno == "Y") {
                writeln("Let's go again!");


The program quits after "writeln("Do you want to play again? Y/N?");"
It ignores readln.

Furthermore: What I am actually trying to do is: If I type "Y", the programm should just rerun from the beginning.

I am really new to programming and there is probably a much easier way but this is all I know to this point.

Thanks in advance!

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