On Sunday, 26 July 2015 at 23:21:50 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
If the template constraint is 'isInputRange', and you pass it an 'InputRange' that is nothing beyond an input range, and it compiles, it is JUST AS GOOD as Rust traits, without needing to add 'isInputRange' to every template up the call tree.

In fact, I do just this in my D dev projects. I have a set of mock ranges that match each of the range types.

That is not enough, it has been covered. It is clear that this is what needs to be done for good testing. It is also clear and explained in this thread that this is not enough.

The problem is the exact same as for dynamic typing and unitests. A dynamically typed function that expect a string can be test exhaustively with warious string passed as arguments. Still, none knows what happen when passed an int, float, array, object or whatever. Worse, it is either going to blow up in some
unexpected way or not explode and do random stuff.

Flatly no, it is not at all the same. Dynamic typing systems do not have constraints. Furthermore, dynamic typed languages tend to do random s**t when presented with the wrong type rather than fail. (Such as concatenating strings when the code was intended to do an arithmetic add.) D does not, it presents the user with a compilation error.

That is blatantly false and show more ignorance than anything else. For the precise example, concatenate with + is know to be bad in dynamic typing for this very reason. Even PHP got around that trap and pretty much only javascript got into that road. You'll find noone defneding this outside the Node.js crowd, but once you start thinking that a monothreaded event loop is the definition of scalable, you are already lost for science anyway.

But more generally there is a point. Dynamic languages tends to do random shit rather than failing. Hopefully, some won't. For instance python will fail hard rather than do random stuff when passed the wrong type.

If that was the problem faced, then using a type system would be pointless. Using something like python is sufficient.

The same way, instantiate your template with something it doesn't expect and you get absurdly complex errors (and it is getting worse as phobos get more and more "enterprise" with Foo forwarding to FooImpl and 25 different helpers).

This is incorrect. In my D project development, when I send the wrong thing, I get a list of the template instantiation stack.

Which is often 3 pages long.

The bottom gives the method not found, and the stack gives how it got there. I find it adequate in that it doesn't take much effort to figure out where things went wrong.

That is learned helplessness. This is bad and we should feel bad to propose such a user experience. There are reasons why template are frowned upon by many devs, and this is one of them.

I even heard Andrei suggest at a conf to pipe the output of the compiler to head (he was talking about C++, but D suffer from the same problem in that regard). Yes it works, and yes you can eventually make sens of the error, but that is terrible user experience.

BTW, when you discover that a constraint is wrong on a Phobos template, please file a bug report on it.

It is not just phobos, but everybody's code. Why all this need to be done manually when the compiler could do it for us ?

Isn't it why we use computer in the first place ?

If I follow your post, one have to maintain a set of minimal mock to test instantiations, a constraint for the template and a body, the 3 of them requiring to be kept in synch over time while nothing checks it is.

That is completely unmaintainable.

The problem is the same, will it fail at call site/instanciation site with "I expected X you gave me Y" or will it fail randomly somewhere down the road in some unrelated part of the code, or worse, not fail at all when it should have ?

If the constraint is InputRange, and the body assumes ForwardRange, and I pass it a ForwardRange, and it works, how is that 'worse'?

Maybe now my complexity is quadratic ? Maybe it doesn't do what it is supposed to do anymore, but else ?

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