On Monday, 27 July 2015 at 14:59:48 UTC, Joakim Brännström wrote:
I'm looking forward to this addition. Good job.

Does unit-threaded (branch: experimental) contain the same as the pull request for std.experimental.testing?

Pretty much.

I've only read about it (PR+forum) so far and dying of curiosity to test it out for real.

You can:

1) Use unit-threaded with dub and a "unittest" configuration. Most of the PR changes were cosmetic, it's basically the same thing.
2) Clone my phobos fork and use std.experimental.testing
3) Clone unit-threaded and use the "experimental" branch

Just beware that with 2.067 there's a crashing bug if you use it with "unittest" blocks. It's been fixed in the meanwhile, but if you don't use dmd HEAD then stick to test functions (which don't exist anymore in std.experimental.testing since there's no need for them anymore).

Does it contain a way to plugin ones own "result writer"?

No, but it's a neat idea. I can see a demand for XML/HTML/JSON output for continuous integration.


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