On 7/28/2015 7:07 AM, Atila Neves wrote:
Start of the two week process, folks.

Thank you very much, Sönke, for taking this on. Thank you, Atila, for taking on the thankless job of being review manager.

Just looking at the documentation only, some general notes:

1. Not sure that 'JSON' needs to be embedded in the public names. 'parseJSONStream' should just be 'parseStream', etc. Name disambiguation, if needed, should be ably taken care of by a number of D features for that purpose. Additionally, I presume that the stdx.data package implies a number of different formats. These formats should all use the same names with as similar as possible APIs - this won't work too well if JSON is embedded in the APIs.

2. JSON is a trivial format, http://json.org/. But I count 6 files and 30 names in the public API.

3. Stepping back a bit, when I think of parsing JSON data, I think:

    auto ast = inputrange.toJSON();

where toJSON() accepts an input range and produces a container, the ast. The ast is just a JSON value. Then, I can just query the ast to see what kind of value it is (using overloading), and walk it as necessary. To create output:

    auto r = ast.toChars();  // r is an InputRange of characters

So, we'll need:

The possible JSON values are:
    object (associative arrays)

Since these are D builtin types, they can actually be a simple union of D builtin types.

There is a decision needed about whether toJSON() allocates data or returns slices into its inputrange. This can be 'static if' tested by: if inputrange can return immutable slices. toChars() can take a compile time argument to determine if it is 'pretty' or not.

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