On Monday, 27 July 2015 at 06:10:29 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:

For instance, for rendering pages I would rather front the D backend with some (stateless) node app that fetches the data from the D backend and uses something like React to render server/client side. If the D backend could implement the upcoming GraphQL that would be awesome.

It has the benefit that a) the frontend-end devs still get their familiar language, tools and libraries; and b) that all the real stuff happens in D.

this is absolutely the way to go.

In times of reactive frameworks it makes no sense anymore to render html in the backend. backends/services should concentrate on data transformations (and security etc).

in my opinion also the REST style apis will come to an end as we can easily have stateless apis these days ( 86.62%of browsers have websockets already according to http://caniuse.com/#feat=websockets ). The whole ghetto around maintaining state over http for a web application is nuts if you think about how native applications work.

so the whole discussion about servlets is a bit moot or at least its very backward looking.

while its probably a few years too early to see frameworks that _push_ webassembly to the client, we already see frameworks where javascript (or stuff that then compiles into it) is being pushed out. voltframework.com looks quite interesting.

bottom line: in my opinion it will be hard to convince java style web programmers to switch to d. it might be a better strategy to build frameworks that can be used as solid, fast and stateful backends for apps and especially for games.

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