On Wednesday, 29 July 2015 at 11:06:03 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
On Wednesday, 29 July 2015 at 10:39:54 UTC, yawniek wrote:
sorry typo. i meant "we now can have statefull apis".

Ok, then I get it. ;)

and i disagree on the limited usefulness.

do you have REST api in native apps? i don't see much reason why we should not develop web applications the way we develop native apps.

The goal should be to keep the server-side simple, robust, transactional and generic. Then push all the fickle special-casing to the client side.

Why do work on the server when you can do almost everything on the client, caching data in Web Storage/IndexedDB?

Because connections are slow, and 80% of the world's "up and coming" nations are still way behind European download speeds. Chine barely got past 2Mbps last year. 50% the US is still under 6Mbps. Africa can't get over 1.5Mbps.

Trying to send globs of data to the user to render each and every request is aching for a user to reject your service or app as "slow and stupid".

The browser was never intended to be a "virtual machine" but instead a rendering engine capable of rendering web-pages. Not parsing, and then interpreting JavaScript (or should we say: booty-script. I've never encountered a more horrid language with terrible speeds. V8 runs like a 2 cylinder lawn mower.)

Apps that should be native, should be kept native. The world hasn't *really* evolved fast enough yet to actually take on the browser as the "app virtual machine" we developers want it to be.

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