On Thursday, 30 July 2015 at 19:38:12 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Monday, 25 May 2015 at 20:08:48 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Monday, 18 May 2015 at 15:47:07 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Sure, have fun with your new devices. :) Hopefully, I'll get Android/ARM working before then, but I don't and won't have any AArch64 devices to test. Not that it matters, as 64-bit ARM has even less share than x86 right now.

Earlier this week, I stumbled across a way to get TLS working with ldc for Android/ARM, similar to the approach used for Android/x86 so far. Exception-handling on ARM for ldc is currently unfinished (https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc/issues/489), so if I disable a handful of tests related to that, I get 36 of 42 druntime modules' unit tests and around 31 of 70 phobos modules' unit tests to pass. All tests were run from the command line on my Android tablet. It appears there are issues related to unicode and the GC causing many of the remaining failures.

Some good news, I've made progress on the port to Android/ARM, using ldc's 2.067 branch. Currently, all 46 modules in druntime and 85 of 88 modules in phobos pass their tests (I had to comment out a few tests across four modules) when run on the command-line. There is a GC issue that causes 2-3 other modules to hang only when the tests are run as part of an Android app/apk, ie a D shared library that's invoked by the Java runtime.

I've compiled an Android/ARM app that will run the remaining majority of tests on Android 5 Lollipop or newer, which you can download and try out on your Android 5 devices:


All tests run on my Android 5.1 device, while the last two modules tested by this app hang on an Android 5.0 device I tested. All patches used are linked from the above release.

Thanks, I didn't remember you were the one working on this. I've been following this and I'm just as eager to start testing my libraries with it.

I think Android could also use a cross-platform web plugin framework. I've started to refactor the idea, and just being able to enhance a website with native code on any platform would be great, it would really make up for being forced into doing all-javascript when writing the UI in HTML5/CSS right now.

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