On Tuesday, 4 August 2015 at 21:07:20 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 8/4/15 4:56 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Tuesday, 4 August 2015 at 20:48:52 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 8/4/15 4:43 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
I should say, any assert(0) with a message printed that is possible to trigger in release mode is an error. If you can ensure it's only possible to trigger when compiled in debug mode (or for unit tests),
then assert(0, msg) is fine.

In that vein, would it be possible to make this a warning? i.e. if you compile a file in -release mode, and the compiler encounters an
assert(0, msg), it emits a warning?

I fail to see why it's a problem if assert(0) has a message. It's exactly the same as any other assertion except that it stays even with -release, and you don't get the message then (whereas with a normal
assertion, you wouldn't get anything).

Seeing an assert with a message gives the impression that you will see the message if you get there. I get that normal asserts may not even trigger. But the concept of "oh, if I see that message I know what happened" really goes out the window if you are never going to see it.

As I said earlier, any line in druntime that has an assert(0, msg) is a bug, because the message is never seen.

It stills indicate why the assertion is there, which can be helpful to maintainers, and it _is_ possible to build druntime in debug mode. It's just not released that way (though it's been argued before that druntime/Phobos should be released with both debug and release builds).

And arguing against assert(0) with a message in druntime because it's not going to show the message normally would basically be the same as arguing against having any assertions in there at all, because they wouldn't show up in a typical build either. But that doesn't mean that they shouldn't be there, just that they're not as useful as they might otherwise be, because druntime is almost always built in release mode.

Doing the static if thing isn't the right answer either. The right answer is to choose one or the other (and by choosing to print a message, you could either throw an assert error directly, or print the message specifically and then assert(0) ).

So basically:

assert(0, msg);



With druntime it's difficult to actually print the message (and my PR is trying to fix that).

I really so no difference between having a message with an assert(0) as with any other assertion. You're not going to see either with -release. It's just that assert(0) kills your program instead of giving you undefined behavior.

I'm certainly not opposed to have a message be printed before the HLT instruction with assert(0), but I don't at all agree that the fact that the message is not seen in -release is a reason not to have a message.

- Jonathan M Davis

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