I have to read a binary file.
I can use std.stdio.File.rawRead to do this (and it's even typesafe, awesome!!)

Currently, I'm doing this with a little helper function I've called Get: /// Creates a buffer to read the file. Handles a special case string
    T[] Get(T)(File f, size_t num=1){
        static if(is(T == char)){
            ubyte[] strLen = new ubyte[1];
            ubyte[] strBuf = new ubyte[strLen[0]];
            return (f.rawRead(strBuf));
        } else {        
            T[] buf = new T[num];
            return f.rawRead(buf);

Then to use it:
File f = File(filename, "rb");

auto versionNumber = f.Get!(ushort); // reads 2 bytes from file into a ushort[]
auto nextByte = f.Get!(byte); // reads 1 byte into a byte[]
auto next5Bytes = f.Get!(byte)(5); // reads 5 bytes and puts them into a byte[]

There is a lot of improvements to be made to the above, mostly around returning a Range. Also, reusing buffers so as not to allocate so much. That's probably Priority 1 actually.
That's all fine and dandy, will get to that.

There's some more complicated data in there too, like a string which in this binary file is defined as a byte representing the number of bytes in this string, followed by that number of bytes. (Similar to a char[] in C/D I imagine).

So, to read that, I'd write:
auto myString = f.Get!(char)(f.Get!(byte)); // reads f.Get!byte number of bytes into a char array.

While doing this I had the idea of implementing a more general approach to this, using CTFE to build a struct / parserFunction (Similar to Pegged [1] ). You describe at compile time how this binary file looks, and then the parser handles everything else.

Does anyone know of a good Binary Description Grammar out in the wild? I'd rather not re-invent the wheel on that front, and just use something standard. My Googling didn't come up with something that could be considered "standard" however.

Any ideas?


[1] https://github.com/PhilippeSigaud/Pegged

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