This post got me thinking:$22ma$

We know at compile time for a given object whether or not there are any invariants, lack of any polymorphism, along with disallowing invariants in interfaces means that for the given:

  class NoInvariants { }
  NoInvariants obj;

It's only a case of checking each base class for any invariant functions, and if none are found, then we can make an (almost) reasonable assumption that calling _d_invariant will result in nothing but wasted cycles.

However, these can't be omitted completely at compile-time given that we can't guarantee if there are any up-cast classes that have an invariant.

But we should be able to speculatively test at runtime whether or not a call to _d_invariant may be required by doing a simple pointer test on the classinfo.

So, given a scenario where we *know* that in a given method 'func', the this class object NoInvariants provably has no invariants anywhere in it's vtable, we can turn calls to _d_invariant into.

  void func(NoInvariants this)
    if (typeid(this) == typeid(NoInvariants))
      /* Nothing */

A similar tactic is done in C++ when it comes to speculative de-virtualization. [1]

Giving this a try on some very contrived benchmarks:

  void test()
      NoInv obj = new NoInv();
  auto bench = benchmark!(test)(10_000_000);
  writeln("Total time: ", to!Duration(bench[0]));

I found that the patched codegen actually managed to consistently squeeze out an extra 2% or more in runtime performance over just turning off invariants, and in tests where the check was made to fail, was pretty much a penalty-less in comparison to always calling _d_invariant.

always_inv(-O2 w/o patch):
- Total time: 592 ms, 430 μs, and 6 hnsecs

always_inv(final, -O2 w/o patch):
- Total time: 572 ms, 495 μs, and 1 hnsec

no_inv(-O2 -fno-invariants):
- Total time: 526 ms, 696 μs, and 3 hnsecs

no_inv(final, -O2 -fno-invariants):
- Total time: 514 ms, 477 μs, and 3 hnsecs

spec_inv(-O2 w/ patch):
- Total time: 513 ms, 90 μs, and 6 hnsecs

spec_inv(final, -O2 w/ patch)
- Total time: 503 ms, 343 μs, and 9 hnsecs

This surprised me, I would have thought that both no_inv and spec_inv would be the same, but then again maybe I'm just no good at writing tests (very likely).

I'm raising a PR [2], granted that no one can see a hole in my thought process, I'd be looking to get it merged in and let people try it out to see if they get a similar improvement general applications for in non-release builds.



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