On Wednesday, 12 August 2015 at 08:21:41 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
Just to state explicitly what I mean: This strategy has the most efficient in-memory storage format and profits from all the static type checking niceties of the compiler. It also means that there is a documented schema in the code that be used for reference by the developers and that will automatically be verified by the serializer, resulting in less and better checked code. So where applicable I claim that this is the best strategy to work with such data.

For maximum efficiency, it can also be transparently combined with the pull parser. The pull parser can for example be used to jump between array entries and the serializer then reads each single array entry.

Thing is, the schema is not always known perfectly? Typical case is JSON used for configuration, and diverse version of the software adding new configurations capabilities, or ignoring old ones.

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