Am 17.08.2015 um 00:03 schrieb Walter Bright:
On 8/16/2015 5:34 AM, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
Am 16.08.2015 um 02:50 schrieb Walter Bright:
     if (isInputRange!R && is(Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!R) == char))

I'm not a fan of more names for trivia, the deluge of names has its own

Good, I'll use `if (isInputRange!R &&
(isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!R) ||
isIntegral!(ElementEncodingType!R))`. It's just used in number of
places and
quite a bit more verbose (twice as long) and I guess a large number of
algorithms in Phobos accept char ranges, so that may actually warrant
a name in
this case.

Except that there is no reason to support wchar, dchar, int, ubyte, or
anything other than char. The idea is not to support something just
because you can, but there should be an identifiable, real use case for
it first. Has anyone ever seen Json data as ulongs? I haven't either.

But you have seen ubyte[] when reading something from a file or from a network stream. But since Andrei now also wants to remove it, so be it. I'll answer some of the other points anyway:

The json parser will work fine without doing any validation at all. I've
been implementing string handling code in Phobos with the idea of doing
validation only if the algorithm requires it, and only for those parts
that require it.

Yes, and it won't do that if a char range is passed in. If the
integral range
path gets removed there are basically two possibilities left, perform the
validation up-front (slower), or risk UTF exceptions in unrelated
parts of the
code base. I don't see why we shouldn't take the opportunity for a
full and fast
validation here. But I'll relay this to Andrei, it was his idea

That argument could be used to justify validation in every single
algorithm that deals with strings.

Not really for all, but indeed there are more where this could apply in theory. However, JSON is used frequently in situations where parsing speed, or performance in general, is often crucial (e.g. web services), which makes it stand out due to practical concerns. Others, such as an XML parser would apply, too, but probably none of the generic string manipulation functions.

Why do both? Always return an input range. If the user wants a string,
he can pipe the input range to a string generator, such as .array
Convenience for one.

Back to the previous point, that means that every algorithm in Phobos
should have two versions, one that returns a range and the other a
string? All these variations will result in a combinatorical explosion.

This may be a factor of two, but not a combinatorial explosion.

We're already up to validate or not, to string or not, i.e. 4 combinations.

Validation is part of the lexer and not the generator. There is no combinatorial relation between the two. Validation is also just a template parameter, so there are no two combinations in terms of implementation either. There is just a "static if" statement somewhere to decide if validate() should be called or not.

The other problem, of course, is that returning a string means the
algorithm has to decide how to allocate that string. As much as
possible, algorithms should not be making allocation decisions.

Granted, the fact that format() and to!() support input ranges (I
didn't notice
that until now) makes the issue less important. But without those, it
basically mean that almost all places that generate JSON strings would
have to
import std.array and append .array. Nothing particularly bad if viewed in
isolation, but makes the language appear a lot less clean/more verbose
if it
occurs often. It's also a stepping stone for language newcomers.

This has been argued before, and the problem is it applies to EVERY
algorithm in Phobos, and winds up with a doubling of the number of
functions to deal with it. I do not view this as clean.

D is going to be built around ranges as a fundamental way of coding.
Users will need to learn something about them. Appending .array is not a
big hill to climb.

It isn't if you get taught about it. But it surely is if you don't know about it yet and try to get something working based only on the JSON API (language newcomer that wants to work with JSON). It's also still an additional thing to remember, type and read, making it an additional piece of cognitive load, even for developers that are fluent with this. Have many of such pieces and they add up to a point where productivity goes to its knees.

I already personally find it quite annoying constantly having to import std.range, std.array and std.algorithm to just use some small piece of functionality in std.algorithm. It's also often not clear in which of the three modules/packages a certain function is. We need to find a better balance here if D is to keep its appeal as a language where you stay in "the zone" (a.k.a flow), which always has been a big thing for me.

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