template X(Y)
        string X = Y.stringof;

auto s = X({int 3;})

Of course, doesn't work!!

But having the ability to pass code that isn't contained in a string is very useful!!

1. A new code keyword, similar to alias. Can only be used as template parameters. If you are worried about backwards compatibility, call it _code, or __code, or __code__... I don't care, only sticks and stones hurt me.

2. The argument is only checked for syntaxical errors as the argument. It obviously will be checked. If we allow for other types of code besides D, then this won't work. We could extend code to allow for other languages(which would require their syntax checking algorithms): code(python).


template PythonParser X(code(python) pythoncode)
// Parses pythoncode and coverts it into D or passes it to the python interpreter or whatever...

In this case, D will know it is python code, check for a python code parser and deal with it(use an external lib to check it or have built in grammars for such things).

No code is ever actually executed by this extension in the compiler, so it's somewhat of a trivial addition. All the processing is added by the programmer.

3. stringof returns the code as a string. e.g. pythoncode.stringof is simply the string representation of the block of code passed.

This complements D's mixin mechanisms by getting out of having to put code in strings, which are nearly a clusterfuck for complex code.

4. This opens the door to allow for one to migrate code easier to D. Suppose you have to transfer a large code base in, say, javascript. Instead of having to convert it all by hand, you could have something like

template IncludeJS(code(javscript))

... converts and integrates the javascript code into D or simply interprets it and returns the error code, or whatever. It's not unfeasible to think that someone could write the magiccookie that brings in all the objects, functions, and such into D to be consumed in D code. I've seen this done for several scripting languages such as lua and js.

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