On Saturday, 12 September 2015 at 20:17:04 UTC, Freddy wrote:
So I saw this video: https://air.mozilla.org/guaranteeing-memory-safety-in-rust/ and was amazed. Is there any way we can implement this in D? What language extensions would be required?

My idea on implement this would be to add 3 new pointer (and array) types : [owned,shared immutable,borrow mutable] and depend on casting raw pointers to the new types.


There's been:

And at least one earlier proposal that's been accepted already. It requires the '@safe' annotation to work and is quite limited to anything more general. Although the basic opinion was that it covered a large proportion of the inherently unsafe cases that Rust aims to cover compared to C++ or unsafe D (but Rust's approach is more 'safe by proof' vs D's 'safe by prohibiting known unsafe').

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